6 карточек для цитат
6 стилей оформления для цитат и выдержек.
Deeds are to be worshipped, not statues. And maybe even deeds do not need to be worshipped. Because everyone does what he can. One is for a revolution, the other is for a penny whistle. Maybe I only have enough strength for one penny whistle, so what am I now, a piece of shit?…
<!-- 01. Emma -->
<section class="t-bq-section" id="emma">
<div class="t-bq-wrapper t-bq-wrapper-boxed">
<div class="t-bq-quote t-bq-quote-emma">
<div class="t-bq-quote-emma-qmark"><span>❝</span></div>
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<div class="t-bq-quote-emma-base">
<blockquote class="t-bq-quote-emma-text" cite="Strugatsky brothers">
Deeds are to be worshipped, not statues. And maybe even deeds do not need to be worshipped. Because everyone does what he can. One is for a revolution, the other is for a penny whistle. Maybe I only have enough strength for one penny whistle, so what am I now, a piece of shit?...
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Sophia DemoHTMLCSS
And the child meekly looks at you and thinks: you, of course, are an adult, hefty, you can flog me, however, as you have been a fool since childhood, you remain it now, and you will die fool, but this is not enough for you, you want to turn me into a fool as well…
<!-- 02. Sophia -->
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<blockquote class="t-bq-quote-sophia-text" cite="Братья Стругацкие">
And the child meekly looks at you and thinks: you, of course, are an adult, hefty, you can flog me, however, as you have been a fool since childhood, you remain it now, and you will die fool, but this is not enough for you, you want to turn me into a fool as well...
<div class="t-bq-quote-sophia-author"><cite>Strugatsky brothers</cite></div>
<div class="t-bq-quote-sophia-userpic"></div>
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The fact is that the most interesting and elegant scientific results quite often have the property of seeming abstruse and drearily incomprehensible to the uninitiated. People who are far from science in our time expect a miracle and only a miracle from it and are practically unable to distinguish a real scientific miracle from a trick or some kind of intellectual somersault.
<!-- 03. Jenny -->
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<blockquote class="t-bq-quote-jenny-text" cite="Strugatsky brothers">
The fact is that the most interesting and elegant scientific results quite often have the property of seeming abstruse and drearily incomprehensible to the uninitiated. People who are far from science in our time expect a miracle and only a miracle from it and are practically unable to distinguish a real scientific miracle from a trick or some kind of intellectual somersault.
<div class="t-bq-quote-jenny-meta">
<div class="t-bq-quote-jenny-meta-info">
<div class="t-bq-quote-jenny-author"><cite>Strugatsky brothers</cite></div>
<div class="t-bq-quote-jenny-source"><span>Monday Begins on Saturday</span></div>
<div class="t-bq-quote-jenny-userpic"></div>
/* ========== 03. Jenny ========== */
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Psychologically, almost all of them were slaves — slaves of faith, slaves of their own kind, slaves of passions, slaves of greed. And if, by the will of fate, one of them was born or became a master, he did not know what to do with his freedom. He again hurried to become a slave — a slave of wealth, unnatural excesses, a slave of dissolute friends, a slave of his slaves.
<!-- 04. Paul -->
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<div class="t-bq-quote-paul-base">
<blockquote class="t-bq-quote-paul-text" cite="Strugatsky Brothers">
Psychologically, almost all of them were slaves - slaves of faith, slaves of their own kind, slaves of passions, slaves of greed. And if, by the will of fate, one of them was born or became a master, he did not know what to do with his freedom. He again hurried to become a slave - a slave of wealth, unnatural excesses, a slave of dissolute friends, a slave of his slaves.
<div class="t-bq-quote-paul-meta">
<div class="t-bq-quote-paul-meta-info">
<div class="t-bq-quote-paul-author"><cite>Strugatsky Brothers</cite></div>
<div class="t-bq-quote-paul-source"><span>Hard to Be a God</span></div>
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Jasper DemoHTMLCSS
He was neat by nature and could not stand any disorder. Maybe that’s why, when he got drunk and lost his human form, he always made such a disgusting mess.
<!-- 05. Jasper -->
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<div class="t-bq-quote-jasper-base">
<blockquote class="t-bq-quote-jasper-text" cite="Strugatsky Brothers">
He was neat by nature and could not stand any disorder. Maybe that's why, when he got drunk and lost his human form, he always made such a disgusting mess.
<div class="t-bq-quote-jasper-meta">
<div class="t-bq-quote-jasper-meta-info">
<div class="t-bq-quote-jasper-author"><cite>Strugatsky Brothers</cite></div>
<div class="t-bq-quote-jasper-source"><span>The Powerless of This World </span></div>
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Children must not be beaten. Even without you, they will be beaten for the rest of their lives, and if you want to hit him, it’s better to hit your own face, it will be more useful.
<!-- 06. Horace -->
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<div class="t-bq-quote-horace-base">
<blockquote class="t-bq-quote-horace-text" cite="Strugatsky Brothers">
Children must not be beaten. Even without you, they will be beaten for the rest of their lives, and if you want to hit him, it’s better to hit your own face, it will be more useful.
<div class="t-bq-quote-horace-meta">
<div class="t-bq-quote-horace-userpic"></div>
<div class="t-bq-quote-horace-meta-info">
<div class="t-bq-quote-horace-author"><cite>Strugatsky Brothers</cite></div>
<div class="t-bq-quote-horace-source"><span>Ugly Swans</span></div>
/* ========== 06. Horace ========== */
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